Nakon uspješno održanih urbanih podzemnih festivala u Rijeci i Zagrebu, SPLIT postaje 27. i 28. rujna prvi grad u Dalmaciji u kojem će se održati novi i uzbudljivi Wine & Walk festival – SPLIT UNDERGROUND.
Podzemni festival vina, delicija i zabave SPLIT UNDERGROUND održava se u centru Splita u carskim PODRUMIMA DIOKLECIJANOVE PALAČE, tom veličanstvenom antičkom spomeniku te arheološkom i povijesno-umjetničkom kompleksu pod zaštitom UNESCO-a.
Premijerni jesenski SPLIT UNDERGROUND posvećen je vašem carskom i hedonističkom uživanju u božanskim kapima vrhunskih vina iz Dalmacije, cijele Hrvatske i susjednih država.
Za vaš ugodan boravak u PODRUMIMA DIOKLECIJANOVE PALAČE obojat ćemo tisućljećima stare zidove prigodnim svjetlosnim efektima, dovesti najbolje vinare i proizvođače delicija te ih uživo sljubiti s glazbom dalmatinskog podneblja i hitovima klapa, Olivera, Miše, Doris, Meri.., a koje će izvoditi vrhunska glazbena imena. Svaki dan druga jer festival SPLIT UNDERGROUND nema reprizu! O koje će to biti noći!
Potvrđen je dolazak najboljih vinara iz Dalmacije, Istre, Bregovite Hrvatske, Slavonije, Hercegovine i Slovenije pa vas očekuje ponuda i degustacije više od 200 vina te ukusne gastronomske delicije hrvatskih OPG-ova.
Na samom ulazu dočekat ćemo vas o osmijehom, poklonit vam unikatnu vinsku čašu SPLIT UNDERGROUND za prigodne degustacije, mini katalog za lakše snalaženje u ponudi i za odigravanje prigodne nagradne igre te bočicu izvrsne izvorske vode LEDA. Sve za vaš carski provod!
Bit će tu i drugih popratnih događanja, poput izložbe vinarstva budućnosti na način kako je vidi umjetna inteligencija, zabavni selfie kutak, nagradne igre i pokoje iznenađenje….
Radno vrijeme festivala je od 16 do 22 sata i u petak 27., te u subotu 28. rujna.
Ulaznice možete kupiti u pretprodaji u sustavu EVENTIM po povoljnijoj cijeni od 25 eura (na dane održavanja festivala cijena će biti 30 eura).
Novost je da možete jedino u pretprodaji kupiti ulaznice još povoljnije, ako ih kupite za obadva dana istovremeno. Broj ovih ulaznica je VRLO ograničen, a cijena za obadva dana iznosi 40 eura (popust od 10 eura).
Zašto kupiti ulaznice za obadva dana?
Prvo zato što svaki dan imamo drugi koncert, a drugo zato što je dva puta bolje nego jednom.
Prilikom kupnje ulaznice odabirete i termin ulaska na festival kada vam najviše odgovara. To je radi vašeg komfora i sigurnosti te kako se ne bi bila stvorila prevelika gužva! Ulaznice se prodaju na svakih pola sata u 11 termina između 16 i 21 sat. Broj ulaznica za svaki termin je ograničen i čim se prodaju više neće biti moguće ući u tom terminu pa predlažemo da što prije nabavite ulaznice za željeni termin.
VAŽNO!!! Što je sve uključeno u cijenu ulaznice!
· Sve DEGUSTACIJE hrane i pića!
· Originalna vinska čaša SPLIT UNDERGROUND!
· Bočica Leda vode
· Snimanje u Photo boothu s trenutnom isporukom slika na vaš mobitel
· Razgledavanje izložbe vinarstva budućnosti
· Nagradna igra s bogatim nagradama
· Ugodan boravak u unikatnim podrumima Dioklecijanove palače
· Zabava uz glazbene sastave (svaki dan jedan)
Najčešća pitanja!
Zašto se ulaznice prodaju na svakih pol sata?
– Zbog sigurosnih i tehničkih razloga.
Kako se na ulazu nebi nastajala prevelika gužva, i na njemu nebi došlo do ozljeđivanja, guranja. itd.. te kako bi svi mogli jednako uživati u svakom pojedinom izlagaču, i svim popratnim sadržajima, u podrume se ulazi u ono vrijeme kada kupiš ulaznicu.
Npr. ako kupiš ulaznicu u nedjelju u 15 sati, tada i s njome ulaziš u podrume.
– Organizacija je pri testiranju prostora procjenila ovakav raspored na temelju analize rotiranja – kada bi se svaka osoba koja uđe u podrume u njemu zadržala otprilike 3 puna sata.
Ima li razlike u ponudi u terminima u 15 sati ili 20 sati?
– Ne, nema razlike.
Kupio/la sam dvodnevnu ulaznicu, mogu li sljedeći dan doći u neko drugo vrijeme?
– Kupci dvodnevnih ulaznica nemaju vremensko ograničenje ulaza, te mogu s njima doči kada njima odgovara neovisno o vremenu u kojem je kupljena ulaznica za prvi dan festivala.
Za više informacija prati naš blog ovdje.
Ulaznice možeš kupiti u sustavu Eventim-a! ovdje.
After the successful urban underground festivals in Rijeka and Zagreb, on September 27 and 28, SPLIT will become the first city in Dalmatia to host the new and exciting Wine & Walk festival – SPLIT UNDERGROUND.
The underground festival of wine, delicacies, and entertainment SPLIT UNDERGROUND takes place in the center of Split in the imperial DIOCLETIAN’S PALACE CELLARS, in the magnificent ancient monument and archaeological and historical-artistic complex under the protection of UNESCO.
The premier autumn SPLIT UNDERGROUND is dedicated to your imperial and hedonistic enjoyment of divine drops of fine wines from Dalmatia, the whole of Croatia, and neighboring countries.
For your pleasant stay in the DIOCLECIAN’S PALACE CELLARS, we will color the millennia-old walls with suitable light effects, bring the best winemakers and producers of delicacies, and combine them live with the music of the Dalmatia and the hits written and sung by Oliver, Mišo, Doris, Meri…, which will be performed by superb musical names. Every day someone different is going to perform since the SPLIT UNDERGROUND festival is going to be the most unique of them all! What a night it will be!
The arrival of the best winemakers from Dalmatia, Istria, Continental Croatia, Slavonia, Herzegovina, and Slovenia has been confirmed, so you can expect an offer and tasting of more than 200 Croatian wines and delicious gastronomic delicacies from Croatian family-owned businesses.
At the very entrance, we will welcome you with a smile, give you a unique SPLIT UNDERGROUND wine glass for occasional tastings, a mini catalog to help you find your way around the offer and participate in appropriate giveaways, and a bottle of excellent LEDA spring water.
There will also be other accompanying events, such as an exhibition of future winemaking as seen by artificial intelligence, a fun selfie corner, giveaways, and additional surprises…
The working hours of the festival are from 4:00 pm to 10:00 pm on Friday 27th and Saturday 28th September.
You can buy tickets in pre-sale in the EVENTIM system at a cheaper price of 25 euros (on the days of the festival, the price will be 30 euros).
The novelty is that you can now buy tickets for two days only in pre-sale, which makes it even more favorable and at a lower cost. The number of these types of tickets is VERY limited, and the price for both days is 40 euros (discount of 10 euros).
Why buy tickets for both days?
Firstly because we have a different concert every day, and secondly because twice is better than once.
When buying a ticket, you also choose the date of entry to the festival when it suits you best. This is for your comfort and safety and to avoid too much crowd! Tickets are sold every half hour in 11time slots between 4 pm and 9 pm. The number of tickets for each time slot is limited and as soon as they are sold it will no longer be possible to enter that time slot, so we suggest that you get tickets for the desired time slot as soon as possible.
IMPORTANT!!! What is included in the ticket price?
• All food and drink TASTING!
• Original SPLIT UNDERGROUND wine glass!
• Bottle of Leda water
• Free Photo booth experience with immediate delivery of images to your mobile phone
• Viewing the winemaking exhibition of the future
• Giveaways with rich prizes
• A pleasant stay in the unique cellars of Diocletian’s Palace
• Entertainment with musical bands (one every day)
Current most frequently asked questions!
Why are tickets sold every half hour?
– For security and technical reasons.
So that there would not be too much crowd at the entrance of the cellars, no injuries, pushing, etc.. and so that everyone can equally enjoy each exhibitor, and all contents, you enter the event space at the time when you buy the ticket.
For example, if you buy a ticket on Sunday at 4 p.m., you enter the cellars with it at that time.
– The organization team estimated this layout based on rotation analysis – when each person entering the cellars would stay in it for approximately 3 full hours.
Is there a difference in the offer in slots at 4 p.m. or 8 p.m.?
– No, there is no difference.
I bought a two-day ticket, can I come at a different time the next day?
– Buyers of two-day tickets do not have a time limit for entry and can come with them when it suits them, regardless of the time in which the ticket for the first day of the festival was purchased.
For more information read our blog here.
You can buy tickets through the Eventim system here.